settei.presets.celery — Preset for Celery

class settei.presets.celery.WorkerConfiguration(config: Mapping[str, object] = {}, **kwargs)

The application object mixin which holds configuration for Celery.


Be invoked when a Celery app is ready.

Parameters:app (celery.Celery) – a ready celery app

The url of the broker used by Celery. See also Celery’s and Kombu’s docs about broker urls:


(typing.Mapping[str, object]) The configuration maping for worker that will go to Celery.conf.


The backend used by Celery to store task results. See also Celery’s docs about result backends:


(typing.Mapping[str, typing.Mapping[str, object]]) The schedule table for Celery Beat, scheduler for periodic tasks.

There’s some preprocessing before reading configuration. Since TOML doesn’t have custom types, you can’t represent timedelta or crontab values from the configuration file. To workaround the problem, it evaluates strings like 'f()' pattern if they are appeared in a schedule field.

For example, if the following configuration is present:

task = "tasks.add"
schedule = "timedelta(seconds=30)"  # string to be evaluated
args = [16, 16]

it becomes translated to:

    'add-every-30-seconds': {
        'task': 'tasks.add',
        'schedule': datetime.timedelta(seconds=30),  # evaluated!
        'args': (16, 16),

Note that although timedelta and crontab is already present in the context, you need to import things if other types. It can also parse and evaluate the patterns like 'module.path:func()'.

Also args fields are translated from array to tuple.

See also Celery’s docs about periodic tasks:

New in version 0.2.2.